No supplements necessary if you regularly eat healthy, well balanced meals, sustainably sourced from quality farms with nutrient rich soils and feeding practices. Today, soil depletion is a real thing, and it is becoming harder and harder to find such sources, so many folks rely on supplements to fill in the micronutrient gaps.
Personally, just to make sure, I take a daily multivitamin and fish oil (Omega-3), along with electrolytes magnesium, sodium and potassium in my water. I’ll also add 2-3 protein shakes to get the protein count up, and occasional scoops of probiotics and microgreens to cover those pizza nights when I’m not getting enough vegetables. Here’s a complete list of products we recommend at GBAR3….
Before/During WOD
Driven PreWOD
Driven Nutrition PreWOD contains beta-alanine to boost capacity to build lean muscle mass at peak intensity, citrulline malate to supercharge endurance and fight fatigue by improving blood flow to reduce burnout and soreness. Caffeine improves muscle firing and delays fatigue.Driven Creatine
Driven Nutrition Creatine enhances cellular energy production during intense exercise.
Post WOD Recovery
Driven Whey Protein
Driven Nutrition Whey Protein includes a full array of vital BCAAs and other amino acids to fuel your muscle growth. Take about 45 minutes after intense workouts and drink slowly.
FitAid Energy/ Recovery Drinks
Rehydration blend loaded with electrolytes and clean nutrients to help your body recover – far superior to sports drinks. We stock these at GBAR3, in both 200 Mg and 40 Mg Caffeine loads.
Recovery and General Health
Driven Berries & Greens Superfood
Amazing assortment of natural nutrients for those off days when healthy fruits and vegetables are not as accessible. Berries & Greens tastes amazing!
Driven Omega Drive – Ultra Strength Fish Oil
Derived from single source freshwater salmon, Driven’s Omega 3 supplement packs far more DHA & EPA fatty acids than Big Box brands. Reduced joint discomfort and inflammation makes for easier fat loss and more effective muscle building.
Driven HIS/HERS Full Spectrum Multivitamins
His™ & Hers™ Is Formulated With A Powerful “Trace Mineral Complex”. Trace Minerals Are Proven To Be One Of The Most Important Factors In Human Health. They Are Integral For ALL Of The Body’s Basic Functions, Including Proper Brain Function, Hormone Regulation, And Oxidation Protection.
Some of this stuff you can source at Costco or Target. But these Driven products are the real deal – highest purity, best bioavailable supplements for people who want to take their health and fitness to the next level. That’s YOU!
That’s our take in a nutshell. See you at the BAR!
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
Row 500m, then
3 rounds
15 wall ball shots, 20/14
15 box jumps, 24/20
15 DB push press, 45/30
15 KB swings, 55/40
then, row 250m
50 med ball sit ups for time