Get Your Young Athlete Summer-Ready with CrossFit GBAR3’s Training Camp!
Attention parents! Are you looking for a way to keep your young athlete active and engaged this summer? Look no further than CrossFit GBAR3’s Summer Young Athlete Training Camp! Our hour-long workouts are perfect for young athletes ages 8-15+ who want to build strength, endurance, and self-confidence. Our expert coaches guide athletes of all levels through fun and inspiring workouts that incorporate the best movements for building strength and endurance.
Our camp runs from May 30 to June 30, Mondays-Fridays from 10-11am, and we offer a variety of registration options to fit your schedule and budget. Sign up now for the full 5-week camp for just $275, or try a single week for $75 or a daily drop-in for $25. Don’t miss this opportunity to give your child the gift of fitness and self-confidence this summer! Register now for CrossFit GBAR3’s Summer Young Athlete Training Camp and watch your young athlete thrive!
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
AMRAP in 15 minutes
5 deadlift, 225/155
10 box jumps, 24/20
15 toes to bar
tabata weighted plank hold