CrossFit GBAR3 Wellness Tip for Healthy and Happy Living – take a probiotic daily
Maintaining a healthy gut has significant impacts on digestion, skin health, immunity, mental health and more. Taking a daily probiotic with a glass of water each morning is one of the simplest things you can do to boost your gut health (which, in turn, boosts overall health in many ways too).
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
WOD (see 09.29.21)
for max meters
row 1 minute
rest 30 sec
row 2 minutes
rest 1 minute
row 3 minutes
rest 90 seconds
row 4 minutes
rest 2 minutes
row 3 minutes
rest 90 seconds
row 2 minutes
rest 1 minute
row 1 minute
10 atomic sit ups