Healthy FATS? What the Heck!
Most of us grew up with the constant drone of “fats are bad for you” drilled into our heads. This lie was and is a massive redirect brought to you by BIG FOOD, the giant multibillion dollar industry that also brought you “a calorie is a calorie” in an effort to protect the DEATH GRIP of sugar on our diets. These lies are directly responsible for most of the health problems facing Americans today.
Do We Need FATS?
Some yes some no. Starting with a big NO – Trans fats are made when food makers turn liquid oils into solid fats, like shortening or margarine. Trans fats can be found in many fried, “fast” packaged, or processed foods, including battered and fried food, shortening and stick margarine. Fast food giants like McDonald’s finally gave up on this one and removed it from most of their garbage (oops I mean menu items). If you ever see “partially hydrogenated” STAY AWAY. (Check your microwave popcorn just to be safe.)
The FATS We Absolutely NEED
On the other end of the spectrum, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 are both essential to metabolic processes and cannot be produced in the body. We need to consume both. There are many food sources to choose from, but here’s the problem. Omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory, while Omega-3s are not. If the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is much higher than 10:1, we are introducing inflammation (precursor to disease) into our bodies. BIG FOOD’s favorite go-to industrial seed oil is corn oil, which comes in with a staggering ratio of 58:1. Other common oils like cottonseed, grapeseed, palm, peanut, sesame and sunflower are too high in Omega-6 as well.
Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, an Omega-3 type containing 22 carbon atoms, are essential for healthy brain development and function throughout all stages of life. DHA concentrates in the brain and throughout the central nervous system. It particularly accumulates in the brain during fetal development and early childhood. Throughout adulthood it is essential to maintain the level of DHA that was established early in life.
Because the body makes very little DHA or EPA (Omega-3 with 20 carbon atoms) naturally, it is essential that these fatty acids be acquired by diet or supplementation. At CrossFit GBAR3 many of us take fish oil supplements daily to bump us in the right direction. (Not all fish oils are alike. Look for DHA content!) We also STAY AWAY from highly processed and fast foods.
OK, So What Do I Eat?
Eat healthy fats like olive, coconut and avocado oil, and foods like wild caught salmon, and a variety of nuts and seeds.(Flaxseed, chia and hemp seeds really are Super Foods.) These are all rich in Omega-3s. Avoid industrial seed oils. They’re all high in Omega-6 fatty acids, all highly inflammatory and contained in abundance in ALL FAST FOODS.
You’re working hard at GBAR3 to reach your fitness goals. Don’t end the journey when you walk out of the gym. Reward yourself by hitting some nutrition goals as well. Your body will thank you for it!
squat clean thruster + thruster x 10
AMRAP in 5 minutes
3-6-9 …
wall ball shots, 20/14
med ball sit ups
20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups