Monday, March 28
push press 5 x 5 (all sets above 65%)
WOD: SQT (see 03.29.21)
3 rounds
10 ground to overhead, 95/65
200m shuttle sprint
Tuesday, March 29
back squat 5 x 5 (all sets above 75%)
WOD (see 03.31.21)
8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …
AMRAP in 7 minutes
med ball sit ups, 20/14
med ball cleans
Wednesday, March 30
WOD (see 04.01.21)
4 x 500m row
rest exactly 3 minutes between
Thursday, March 31
200m med ball carry, 20/14
200m run
50 wall ball shots
50 walking lunges
200m kB carry, 55.40
200m run
40 KB swings
40 walking lunges
200m DB farmer’s carry, 45/30
200m run
30 DB push press
30 walking lunges
Friday, April 1
toes to bar
deadlift, 225/155
push ups
box jumps, 24/20