16 Ways to Change Your Life:
13. Take Stock of the Good Things and Be Grateful
You might not have the most challenging job, but in a troubled economy you do have a job — so that’s a blessing worth counting. And even though your romantic life might be as exciting as a trip to the dentist without Novocaine, remember that the good friends and great family you do have are special gifts, and their love will help see you through hard times.
One of the best ways to take stock of what you do have is to start a gratitude journal. Every morning write exactly what you are thankful for on a daily basis. Then at night, write about what went well in the day. Focus on the positive and you will attract more of it.
Recognize where you are lucky and you will create a sense of optimism that will spread into all other areas of your life.
Most people have heard the expression “taken for granted”. Too often we take so many blessings in our lives for granted. We fail to take stock of the many good things. Instead we focus on the handful of items that are unpleasant or despicable. If you take a few minutes to make a list of the positives in your life, you’ll soon see that:
- the negatives are greatly outweighed by the positives and;
- you have so much to work with and live for.
Take stock, be grateful, and start living.
CrossFit WOD
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 wall walks
10 deadlifts, 225/155
15 goblet squats, 55/40
200m run
50 butterfly sit ups for time