16 Ways to Change Your Life:
16. Revisit that Bucket List…or Rather, That LIVING List
If you have a list of things you want to do before you die, don’t sit around waiting for a reason to do them. Try to find one thing on that list that you can accomplish if not today, then tomorrow.
If your list includes an exotic adventure, but you’ve been waiting around to become part of a couple before you take that tropical vacay because you don’t want to travel alone, rethink the plan. Maybe you have a good friend who’s been feeling the same way. And who knows? The love of your life could be planning the same vacation right now, and will be sitting on the same beach when you arrive.
The thing is, you’ll never know unless you go.
CrossFit WOD
AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 pull ups
15 slam balls, 30/20
20 squats
200m med ball carry, 20/14
10 toes to bar
15 KB swings, 55/40
20 walking lunges
200m med ball carry, 20/14
50 med ball sit ups for time