The power snatch: Why we do it
The power snatch is an exercise that can be very beneficial for CrossFit athletes, as it can help to improve overall strength and power, as well as developing proper form and technique for the full snatch movement.
One of the main benefits of the power snatch is that it can help to build explosive power in the hips, legs, and back, which can translate to improved performance in a wide range of other exercises, such as the clean and jerk and the deadlift.
Additionally, the power snatch is also a great exercise for developing coordination and balance, which is important for maintaining proper form and technique during high-intensity workouts.
Additionally, the power snatch is also a great exercise for developing grip strength, as the barbell must be held throughout the entire movement, also, this movement requires to coordinate the movement of multiple joints (hip, knee, ankle, wrist) which can develop good movement pattern, and helps in improving technique.
Another benefit of including power snatches in a CrossFit program is that they can help to improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance. This is because the power snatch is typically done at a high-intensity, and it requires a lot of energy to execute.
Is it safe for newbies?
Absolutely! If you are new to CrossFit and have no prior weightlifting experience, the coaches at CrossFit GBAR3 will make sure that you learn the basics of the movement with a light weight or with a PVC pipe before moving on to the barbell. This will help you understand the proper mechanics of the exercise and develop the necessary muscle memory. Your coach also will guide you on how to properly scale the movement and adjust the weight to your skill and fitness level.
CrossFit WOD
snatch pull 3-3-3
hang power snatch 2-2-2
power snatch 1-1-1
alt DB snatch, 45/30
box jumps, 24/20
20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups