Break Through Your Limits: The Power of Positive Thinking in CrossFit
CrossFit is all about pushing yourself beyond your limits and achieving new levels of strength and fitness. But what if those limits are just in your head? What if you’re holding yourself back from reaching your full potential? That’s where the power of positive thinking comes in.
The quote “The only limits in your workouts are the ones you set for yourself” is a reminder that we are capable of so much more than we often give ourselves credit for. Our minds can convince us that we’re not strong enough, fast enough, or fit enough to complete a workout. But if we can push past those mental barriers, we can surprise ourselves with what we’re capable of achieving.
One way to break through mental limits is by setting achievable goals and working towards them incrementally. Maybe your goal is to do one more push-up than last week or shave a few seconds off your 500m row time. By focusing on these small, attainable goals, you can build confidence in your abilities and work your way up to more challenging tasks.
Another way to overcome mental limits is by changing the way we think about failure. Instead of seeing a failed attempt as a sign of weakness, see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Every time we push ourselves outside of our comfort zone, we’re taking a risk. But with risk comes reward, and the more we practice pushing ourselves, the more we can expand our capabilities.
Ultimately, the quote “The only limits in your workouts are the ones you set for yourself” is a reminder that we have the power to push past our perceived limits and achieve great things. It may not be easy, but with hard work and determination, we can surprise ourselves with what we’re capable of achieving.
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
8 x 3-position power clean (high hang, low hang, ground)
WOD: SQT (see 03.28.22)
3 rounds
10 ground to OH, 95/65
200m shuttle sprint (50m out and back x 2)
20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups