CrossFit GBAR3 Wellness Tip for Healthy and Happy Living – eat real food
Aim to eat real food that’s made of whole food ingredients you would have in your own kitchen pantry, or that your grandmother would recognize. (Yup, this rules out most packaged food, sorry!) This is a little different than suggesting you eat only “health foods” (many of which are increasingly processed!). “Real food” includes unprocessed foods like an apple, a cucumber, soybeans or a steak, as well as foods loosely processed from one (or few) real-food ingredients, like butter, olive oil, yogurt, tofu, etc. In other words, aim for foods that could be reasonably made in your own kitchen and avoid foods that can only be made in a lab.
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
OH squat 5 x 5
WOD (see 03.07.23)
1-arm DB snatch, 45/30
walking lunges
30 Russian twists