What Is Fitness?
CrossFit recognizes 10 general physical skills that must be trained or practiced in order to be fit: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. At CrossFit GBAR3 the focus of our programming is to improve your competence in all 10 of these areas so you can be successful performing daily tasks.
Speed is the ability to minimize the cycle time of a repeated movement. Speed training improves the neuromuscular system which leads to substantial strength and power gains. This is particularly true of explosive movements like box jumps, cleans, snatches, etc. Having good neuromuscular awareness allows you to better understand movements increasing your balance, dynamic flexibility, control, functional strength, core strength, and improved mechanics. All of this means you are better prepared and less likely to be injured in a fast paced situation.
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
weighted pull up 2-2-2 OR 3 x flex arm hang for time
squat clean thruster, 95/65
ring rows
20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups