Daily Greatness: a Deep Dive Into the Habits of Highly Successful People
Habit #6: Don’t Waste Time, Learn The Value
The old adage that “Time is Money” couldn’t be farther from the truth. Time is NOT money. Time is WAY more valuable. It is the only resource you can never earn more of. We all get the same 24 hours each day.
How you spend those 24 hours will determine whether you are successful in whatever you choose to do. This is why it’s important to allocate your time based on the potential upsides of the opportunities before you.
Do you think your idols or mentors (whether in the fitness/business/etc industry) waste time every day on Facebook, video games, or other things that don’t serve their purpose?
Time is the most valuable resource you have. Use it.
WOD: (see 03.30.22)
4 x 500m row, rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds
100 reps core