16 Ways to Change Your Life:
2. Create a Dream Board
When we were children, we would daydream all the time and think of how to change our lives. We were skilled at dreaming and visualizing what we would be when we grew up. We believed that anything was possible.
As we grew into adults, we lost our ability to dream. Our dreams became hidden once we started to feel like achieving our dreams was impossible.
A dream board is a great way for you to start believing in your own dreams again. Seeing your dreams every day on a dream board brings them life. It will also act as a daily reminder to refocus your energy and direct it toward what you really want to achieve.
CrossFit WOD
10 x 2 thrusters (from ground)
AMRAP in 7 minutes
8/2, 8/4, 8/6 …
slam balls, 30/20
1-arm DB thrusters, 50/35
30 Russian twists