16 Ways to Change Your Life:
9. Live in the Moment
Many of us tend to think that the grass is greener on the other side. Often, we get to the other side of the fence and find that this is not so.
The motivation to change our lives comes from our desire to be happy. We are often so busy focusing on our pursuit of happiness that we miss the joy of actually living in the moment.
Our desire to have happiness in our lives is a desire of a future state, not of the present. We become so consumed with all our problems in the present that we miss the precious beauty of the moment.
Sitting on the beach eating ice cream with your best friend is a moment of happiness. Appreciating and showing gratitude on a daily basis is experiencing happiness at the moment. Helping those in need brings us joy and happiness.
This is what living your life in the moment is all about – don’t miss these moments because you are too busy focusing on your pursuit of happiness.
CrossFit WOD
max reps in 2 minutes at 6 stations, 1 min rest between stations
wall ball shots, 20/14
box jumps, 24/20
KB swings, 55/40
DB push press, 45/30
slam balls, 30/20
KB SDHP, 55/409
1 minute hollow rocks, rest 1 minute
40 sec hollow rocks, rest 40 sec
20 sec hollow rocks