CrossFit GBAR3 WODs
Monday, March 25
2-postion power clean x 10
choose 1:
power clean + hang power clean = POWER DEVELOPMENT
hang power clean + power clean = TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT
WOD: SQT (see 03.27.23)
3 rounds
10 ground to OH, 95/65
200m shuttle sprint (50m out and back x 2)
Tuesday, March 26
WOD: FREAK (see 03.20.23)
first rounds of Fran, Eva, Annie and Kelly
21 thrusters, 95/65
21 pull ups
run 800m
30 KB swings, 55/40
30 pull ups
50 DU’s
50 sit ups
run 400m
30 box jumps, 24/20
30 wall ball shots, 20/14
Wednesday, March 27
bench press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1
DB devil’s press, 45/30
DB walking lunges
Thursday, March 28
WOD (see 03.29.23)
4 x 500m row
rest exactly 3 minutes between
Friday, March 29
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 wall walks
10 deadlifts, 225/155
15 med ball sit ups
20 air squats