16 Ways to Change Your Life:
12. Erase Negativity
First of all, let’s admit that it’s finally time for that voice in your head to shut up.
Sure, it’s been through a lot of stuff. And of course, it remembers every single disappointment and failure. But it can’t see the future, so you can’t let it play a part in how you perceive what’s to come.
When the voice says, “No, I can’t,” unleash your inner actor and find a way to tell that voice “Yes, you can”. After all those years of thinking you’re not good enough, it’s time to stop. Build your confidence slowly. Set small goals and take on tiny challenges that allow you to build the confidence it takes to tackle the monster ones.
Negativity harms you and keeps you from really living life. It doesn’t matter whether someone dealt with you unfairly or not. Harping on injustice destroys your life and erodes precious time you could use to really start living. It’s best to decide or plan how to remedy the problem at the root of your negativity — and then take action to remedy it.
CrossFit WOD
push press 5 x 3
WOD (see 01.06.21)
SDHP, 75/55
push press
not for time,
3 rounds
10 hollow rocks
20 Superman’s