You get more than just a workout at CrossFit GBAR3
CrossFit is not just about physical strength – it can also be a force for transforming your mental health and enhancing the way you experience life! Let’s examine how CrossFit helps boost our minds as well as our muscles.
3. Increased confidence:
CrossFit can be an empowering experience as practitioners set goals, test their own limits and break through barriers to unlock personal bests. With each success comes a renewed sense of self-assurance that will last long after the exercise session has ended.
CrossFit WOD
back squat 1-1-1
WOD (see 01.18.22)
200m OH plate carry, 45/25
5 rounds
10 wall ball shots, 20/14
10 med ball sit ups
not for time,
3 rounds
10 hollow rocks
20 supermans
20 calf raises