Clean and Jerk Complex
Today’s strength training complex is a means to improve overall strength, power, and technique in the clean and jerk lift. Increasing the load over 10 sets is done to gradually increase intensity and challenge the athlete, potentially leading to strength and power gains, improved muscle endurance, and better technique through repetition and familiarization with the movement patterns. Additionally, it can also serve as a means of testing one’s maximum strength and ability to perform under progressively heavier loads.
Tips for Clean and Jerk Complex
- Focus on proper technique throughout the workout
- Use a weight that is challenging but still allows for good form
- Maintain good posture and engage core during the lift
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each round
power clean + hang squat clean + split jerk
tabata L-sit/plank hold mash up