How to Build Up to Muscle Ups: Tips for CrossFitters Still Working on the Movement
Hey CrossFit athletes! Today’s workout includes muscle ups, which can be a challenging movement, but don’t worry – even if you can’t do them yet, you can still make progress and build up to this impressive exercise. Here are some tips and tricks to help you develop the strength and technique needed for muscle ups:
- Start with the basics: Before you can perform muscle ups, you need to master the foundational movements that contribute to the exercise. Focus on building your pull-up and dip strength, and work on other gymnastics movements like handstands and push-ups to develop the necessary coordination and balance.
- Practice progressions: There are many progressions you can do to build up to the full muscle up exercise. Try working on ring dips, chest-to-bar pull-ups, or banded muscle ups to develop the necessary strength and technique.
- Incorporate accessory exercises: In addition to practicing muscle up progressions, it can be helpful to incorporate accessory exercises that target the specific muscle groups used in muscle ups. Exercises like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and lat pull-downs can help build the necessary strength and stability.
- Be patient and consistent: Building up to muscle ups takes time and consistent effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t nail it right away – focus on making progress and celebrate your small victories along the way.
Remember, CrossFit is about progress, not perfection. By focusing on the basics, practicing progressions, incorporating accessory exercises, and being patient and consistent, you can build up to the impressive muscle up exercise and take your fitness to the next level. Keep pushing yourself and have fun with the process!
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
3 rounds
50 walking lunges
10 hang power cleans, 135/95
7 muscle ups (scale chest to bar pull ups + ring dips)
tabata L-sit/plank hold mash up