Diabetes in America – How GBAR3 Members and Families Can Avoid It
Staggering. I just read an article this weekend that quoted statistics on the diabetes epidemic in America today. After doing some cross-referencing to check the numbers, I came up with the following: 96 million American adults have pre-diabetes. That’s 38% of the population. The vast majority of cases are preventable, and can be self-cured with proper exercise and nutrition. If you are reading this – CONGRATULATIONS – you are already on the right path to avoid a lifetime of disease and grief.
CrossFit GBAR3 steps up its nutrition game
You may have noticed that this year GBAR3 has stepped up its game on the nutrition front by bringing in our Bod Squad and Ascend programs. After just a few months in we have had more dramatic nutritional success stories than the rest of our 10 years in business combined! This will continue with our next Bod Squad program, “Fit and Festive”, which starts November 7th. Registration starts soon!
Introducing Thorne
We’ve also made the decision to align more closely with Thorne, the official supplement partner of CrossFit. Thorne is the industry leader in expertise, product sourcing, purity and quality control. They have a vast array of products that can be customized to fit the needs of each individual, and testing protocols to determine what those needs are. A part of our learning process we will submit blood panels to the Biological Age test in order to fine-tune our supplementation. Stay tuned….
Eat clean, but beware of soil depletion
In the meantime, keep eating locally sourced, minimally processed healthy foods. If you’re sourcing from giant, big box companies, recognize that soil depletion is real, and even though you’re making healthy choices, micronutrient content is getting worse and worse every year. Some supplementation may be necessary in even the best cases. Thorne makes multivitamins with very high quality ingredients, and a loaded product called Daily Greens Plus that contains an amazing assortment of natural ingredients to enhance gut health, immunity, energy, cognition and focus.
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
3 rounds
run 400m
21 KB swings, 55/40
15 toes to bar
9 goblet squats
30 Russian twists