CrossFit GBAR3 Wellness Tip for Healthy and Happy Living – do things you enjoy
This often gets overlooked as an essential element of healthy living—doing things each day that you enjoy! Whether that’s exercise, baking, crafting, reading a book or watching TV, reserve time each day to spend doing activities you personally enjoy.
CrossFit GBAR3 WOD
WOD: MONSTER MILE (see 04.27.23)
run 400m
25 jack o’ lantern swings, 55/40
200m DB DEAD farmer carry, 45/30
200m DB DEAD waiter carry, 45/30
25 coffin vaults, 24/20
100m ghostly gallop
100m skeleton strut
100m ghostly gallop
100m skeleton strut
5 zombie flops
400m pumpkin carry, 20/14
50 pumpkin sit ups for time