Daily Greatness: a Deep Dive Into the Habits of Highly Successful People
Habit #4: Showing Up and Keeping Your Commitments
Show up when you make a commitment. Literally and figuratively. Keeping your word is not just important to do with others, but more importantly, keep the word you gave to yourself.
Often times, we are the type of person who will show up for others, but when we make a commitment to ourselves, we let ourselves off the hook. What does this look like? This is the “I’m going to focus on my diet and shed that 20lbs that has been lingering for far too long.”… then indulging in happy-hour because it’s your friend’s birthday party.
Become the person that keeps the commitments you make to yourself. This will not only get you to your goals faster, but this will translate into other facets of your life and breed success.
WOD (see 11.09.21)
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 deadlift, 225/155
10 box jumps, 24/20
5 deadlift
10 toes to bar
20 wall ball shots, 20/14
20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups