Interval Training at CrossFit GBAR3
Row 2500m for time? Uggh..monotonous..boring..mind numbing..think I’ll skip Thursday.
Row 1000 for time and rest 4 minutes? Then row only 750? Rest another 3 minutes? I could handle that. Knock out a quick 500 then a 250 sprint finish? I’m in. Easy peasy.
I’ll give each distance a good GO, have enough time to catch my breath, and finish in a mad dash! I’ll find the right balance between going for it at each distance and staying below my lactic threshold (that’s where your legs go to die.) FUN!
CrossFit WOD
WOD (see 01.13.22)
row 1000m, rest 4 minutes
row 750m, rest 3 minutes
row 500m, rest 2 minutes
row 250m
100 reps core