Maximizing Your CrossFit Workout: The Importance of Proper Warm-ups and Cool-downs
CrossFit is a high-intensity, full-body workout that requires a lot of energy and effort from the body. To ensure that you get the most out of your CrossFit routine, improve performance and decrease your risk of injury it’s essential to properly warm up and cool down before and after each workout.
Warming up before a workout is crucial for preparing the body for the physical demands of the workout. Our prescribed warm-ups will increase blood flow to the muscles, increase body temperature, and prepare the body for the specific movements that will be performed during the workout.
Cooling down after a workout is equally important. It helps to gradually decrease the heart rate, remove waste products from the muscles, and prevent blood from pooling in the legs. We have a list of stretches you should be following every day after your workout. Specific stretches for each muscle group that was worked during the workout, such as hamstring stretches, quad stretches and pigeon pose for hips are also great for cool down. Ask a coach if you need any help with cool down stretches!
CrossFit GBAR3 WODs
Monday, Jan 23
split jerk 2-2-2-1-1-1
3 rounds
10 ring dips
10 1-arm DB hang power clean and jerk, 50/35
10 pistols
Tuesday, Jan 24
bench press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1
WOD (see 10.04.22)
AMRAP in 4 minutes
burpee box jump overs, 24/20
Wednesday, Jan 25
run 400m
21 shoulder press, 95/65
15 back squats
9 butterfly sit ups
run 400m
21 push press, 95/65
15 back squats
9 butterfly sit ups
run 400m
21 push jerk, 95/65
15 back squats
9 butterfly sit ups
Thursday, Jan 26
WOD (see 01.13.22)
row 1000m, rest 4 minutes
row 750m, rest 3 minutes
row 500m, rest 2 minutes
row 250m
Friday, Jan 27
AMRAP in 13 minutes
55 deadlifts, 225/155
55 wall ball shots, 20/14
55 cal row
55 handstand push ups