Monday, May 9
power snatch 10 x 1
WOD: JEREMY (see 05.04.21)
OH squats, 96/65
Tuesday, May 10
WOD (see 05.12.21)
5 rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds
AMRAP in 3 minutes
3 push jerk, 135/95
6 push ups
9 squats
Wednesday, May 11
10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each round
hang power clean + power clean + squat clean
AMRAP in 4 minutes
3-6-9 …
wall ball shots, 20/14
med ball sit ups
Thursday, May 12
WOD (see 07.08.21)
row 1000m
50 box jumps, 24/20
50 DB bench press, 45/30
row 500m
25 box jumps
25 DB bench press
Friday, May 13
AMRAP in 15 minutes
5 bar muscle ups (scale 5 chest to bar pull ups and 5 ring dips)
10 deadlifts, 225/155
20 DU’s
200m run