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CrossFit WOD 02.11.21
WOD CF Games Open WOD 18.1AMRAP in 20 minutes8 toes to bar10 single DB hang clean and jerk, 50/35 (5 each arm)14/12 cal row AWOD30
CrossFit WOD 02.10.21
STRENGTH push press 10 x 1 WOD: CF Games Open WOD 18.5 AMRAP in 7 minutes 3-6-9 … thrusters, 95/65 chest to bar pull ups
CrossFit WOD 02.09.21
STRENGTHOH squat 10 x 1 WOD: CF Games Open WOD 14.1AMRAP in 10 minutes30 DU’s15 power snatch 75/55 AWOD25 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 02.08.21
WOD 200m med ball carry, 20/14 10 back squats, 225/155 (from rack) 200m DB farmer’s carry, 45/30 10 back squats 200m DB waiter’s carry 10
CrossFit WODs Feb 8-12
Monday, Feb 8WOD200m med ball carry, 20/1410 back squats, 225/155 (from rack)200m DB farmer’s carry, 45/3010 back squats200m DB waiter’s carry10 back squats100m walking lunges100m
Saturday at The Bar
FARMERS MARKET 8:30-10:30 AMHomemade fresh pasta, ravioli, lasagna and Italian sauces from Della Casa PastaFarm fresh veggies, pastured meats, and fresh squeezed juices from Whitehurst
CrossFit WOD 02.05.21
WOD: GRACE30 clean and jerks, 135/95 AWODfor time,run Kluge Lakes Lane, then9 v-ups15 n-ups21 sit ups
CrossFit WOD 02.04.21
WOD3 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 5 minutes3 box jumps, 24/206 KB swings, 55/409 air squats AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit
CrossFit WOD 02.03.21
WOD3 roundsrun 400m15 hang power snatch, 95/6515 OH squats AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 02.02.21
STRENGTH/WODmax calorie row in 16 minutesE2MOM 10 DB bench press, AHAP AWODtabata toes to bar/butterfly sit ups mash up
CrossFit WOD 02.01.21
STRENGTHE2MOM for 16 minutes, increase load each roundsquat clean + front squat + push jerk + front squat + push jerk AWODtabata pull ups/ring dips
CrossFit WODs Feb 1-5
Monday, Feb 1STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutes, increase load each roundsquat clean + front squat + push jerk + front squat + push jerk Tuesday, Feb
Saturday at The Bar
This morning 8:30-10:30 am alongside Farmer Mike with his farm fresh veggies, pastured meats and fresh squeezed juices we will be selling HOMEMADE FRESH pastas,
CrossFit WOD 01.29.21
This Saturday during the 8:30 am WOD until about 10:30 am we will be selling fresh pastas, ravioli, lasagna, and sauces from Della Casa Pasta!
CrossFit WOD 01.28.21
WODAMRAP in 20 minutes5 deadlifts, 225/15510 box jumps, 24/2015 wall ball shots, 20/14200m med ball carry AWOD50 med ball sit ups for time
CrossFit WOD 01.27.21
STRENGTH split jerk 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD 6 minutes on the clock run 800m, then max reps chest to bar pull ups AWOD 20 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 01.26.21
WODrow 500m, then21-15-91-arm DB snatch, 50/35knees to elbows1-arm DB snatchsit upsthen, row 250m AWODtabata wall sit/plank hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 01.25.21
STRENGTH front squat 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD AMRAP in 7 minutes 8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 … goblet squats, 55/40 handstand push ups AWOD 20 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WODs Jan 25-29
Monday, Jan 25STRENGTHfront squat 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WODAMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …goblet squats, 55/40handstand push ups Tuesday, Jan 26WODrow 500m, then21-15-91-arm DB snatchknees to
CrossFit WOD 01.22.21
STRENGTH deadlift 1-1-1 WOD for time, 50 DB bench press, 45/30 run Kluge Lakes Lane AWOD 100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 01.21.21
STRENGTH weighted pull up OR flex arm hang 1-1-1 WOD 7 rounds 7 pull ups 7 KB swings, 55/40 AWOD not for time, 3 rounds
CrossFit WOD 01.20.21
STRENGTHback squat 1-1-1 WOD200m OH plate carry, 45/25then,5 rounds10 wall ball shots, 20/1410 med ball sit ups AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 01.19.21
STRENGTH standing broad jump 1-1-1 WOD 25 power snatch, 95/65 25 OH squats 25 power cleans 25 thrusters EMOM 3 burpees AWOD 20 GHD hip
CrossFit WOD 01.18.21
STRENGTH max height box jump 1-1-1 WOD 12 minutes on the clock AMRAP in 4 minutes: row, cal. AMRAP in 4 minutes: squat cleans, 135/95
CrossFit WODs Jan 18-22
Monday, Jan 18STRENGTHmax height box jump 1-1-1WOD12 minutes on the clockAMRAP in 4 minutes: row, cal.AMRAP in 4 minutes: squat cleans, 135/95AMRAP in 4 minutes:
CrossFit WOD 01.15.21
WODAMRAP in 14 minutes5 squat snatch, 95/6510 slam balls, 30/2015 toes to bar AWOD100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 01.14.21
WOD3 roundsrow 500m21 KB swings, 55/4015 DB push press, 45/309 DB front squats AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 01.13.21
WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1pull updeadlift, 225/155push upbox jump, 24/20 AWODfor time,9 v-ups15 n-ups21 sit ups
CrossFit WOD 01.12.21
STRENGTHshoulder press 1-1-1push press 3-3-3push jerk 5-5-5 WOD30 DU’s30 burpees30 wall ball shots, 20/14 AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WOD 01.11.21
STRENGTHOH squat 5-5-5snatch balance 3-3-3squat snatch 1-1-1 WOD3 rounds10 DU’s10 burpees10 wall ball shots, 20/14 AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs Jan 11-15
Monday, Jan 11STRENGTHOH squat 5-5-5snatch balance 3-3-3squat snatch 1-1-1WOD3 rounds10 DU’s10 burpees10 wall ball shots, 20/14 Tuesday, Jan 12STRENGTHshoulder press 1-1-1push press 3-3-3push jerk 5-5-5WOD30
CrossFit WOD 01.08.21
STRENGTHsquat clean 10 x 1 WOD10-8-6-4-2chest to bar pull upsring dips AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WOD 01.07.21
WOD row 250m, rest 2 minutes row 500m, rest 3 minutes row 750m, rest 4 minutes row 1000m AWOD 100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 01.06.21
STRENGTHdeadlift 5 x 2 WOD21-18-15-12-9-6-3SDHP, 75/55push press AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 01.05.21
WOD3 rounds50 DU’s10 back squats, 225/155 (rack)12 DB bench press, 45/30 AWODmax toes to bar in 1 minute
CrossFit WOD 01.04.21
WODAMRAP in 20 minutes200m run3 hang power cleans, 135/954 KB swings, 55/405 box jumps, 24/20 AWOD60 sec hollow rocks, rest 60 sec40 sec hollow rocks,
CrossFit WODs Jan 4-8
Monday, Jan 4 WOD (see 01.07.20) AMRAP in 20 minutes 200m run 3 hang power cleans, 1535/95 4 KB swings, 55/40 5 box jumps, 24/20