CrossFit GBAR3


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CrossFit WOD 05.26.22

WOD30 OH walking lunges, 45/254 rounds5 squat snatch, 95/655 ring dips20 OH walking lunges3 rounds5 squat snatch5 ring dips10 OH walking lunges2 rounds5 squat snatch5

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CrossFit WODs May 23-27

Monday, May 23STRENGTHsquat clean + split jerk 10 x 1WODFor time, run Kluge Lakes Lane Tuesday, May 24STRENGTHbench press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WOD (see 05.26.21)15 pull ups15 push

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CrossFit WOD 05.20.22

WOD200m DB carry, 45/30200m back peddle5 DB renegade rows10 pistols200m KB carry, 55/40200m back peddle5 DB renegade rows10 pistols15 KB SDHP200m med ball carry, 20/14200m

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CrossFit WOD 05.19.22

WOD (see 05.20.21)4 rounds10 power cleans, 115/7510 shoulder to overhead20 back squats20 DU’s AWOD60 sec hollow rocks60 sec rest40 sec hollow rocks40 sec rest20 sec

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CrossFit WOD 05.18.22

WOD (see 05.13.21)run 600mrow 750m21 burpee box jump overs, 24/20run 400mrow 500m15 burpee box jump oversrun 200mrow 250m9 burpee box jump overs AWOD20 GHD hip

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CrossFit WOD 05.16.22

STRENGTHfront squat 3-3-3push press 2-2-2thruster (from rack) 1-1-1 WOD: JACKIE ( see 08.30.21)row 1000m50 thrusters, 45/3530 pull ups AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit

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CrossFit WODs May 16-20

Monday, May 16STRENGTHfront squat 3-3-3push press 2-2-2thruster (from rack) 1-1-1WOD: JACKIE ( see 08.30.21)row 1000m50 thrusters, 45/3030 pull ups Tuesday, May 17STRENGTHsplit jerk 8 x

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Saturday at The Bar

Time to Order GBAR3 Summer Swag! 4 designs to choose from3 styles: unisex t-shirt, ladies racerback tank, or ladies cropped tankMultiple color options for each

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CrossFit WOD 05.11.22

STRENGTH10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each roundhang power clean + power clean + squat clean WODAMRAP in 4 minutes3-6-9 …wall ball shots, 20/14med

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CrossFit WOD 05.10.22

WOD (see 05.12.21)5 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 3 minutes3 push jerk, 135/956 push ups9 squats AWODmax butterfly sit ups in 1 minute

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CrossFit WODs May 9-13

Monday, May 9STRENGTHpower snatch 10 x 1WOD: JEREMY (see 05.04.21)21-15-9OH squats, 96/65burpees Tuesday, May 10WOD (see 05.12.21)5 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 3

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Saturday at The Bar

CROSSFIT 8:30 AM ELEMENTS 9:30 AMFREE FOR MEMBERS, $40 WALK IN WODTeams of 2-3, for time …80m barbell carry, 185/11580 dead lifts, 185/11580 front squats,

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CrossFit WOD 05.03.22

STRENGTHpush jerk 5 x 3 WODAMRAP in 10 minutes3-6-9 …knees to elbowsDB DL, 45/30DB push press AWODnot for time,2 rounds30 sec sampson stretch, each side30

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CrossFit WOD 05.02.22

STRENGTH: CROSSFIT TOTAL (see 09.13.21)back squat 1-1-1shoulder press 1-1-1deadlift 1-1-1Your CrossFit Total score is the sum of all 3 lifts WODmax cal bike in 2

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CrossFit WODs May 2-6

Monday, May 2STRENGTH: CROSSFIT TOTAL (see 09.13.21)back squat 1-1-1shoulder press 1-1-1deadlift 1-1-1Your CrossFit Total score is the sum of all 3 lifts Tuesday, May 3STRENGTHpush

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CrossFit WOD 04.28.22

STRENGTHOH squat 5 x 3 WODAMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …goblet squats, 55/40hang power snatch, 75/55 AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit

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CrossFit WODs April 25-29

Monday, April 25STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutes3 bench press4 KB swings, 70/555 box jumps, 30/24 Tuesday, April 26WODAMRAP in 20 minutes5 deadlift, 225/15510 pistols5 deadlifts10 handstand

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Saturday at The Bar

CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WODteams of 2-3*3 squats at each transition/break100 deadlifts, 225/155100 wall ball shots, 20/14100 push ups100 pull ups AWODfor time,100 partner med ball

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CrossFit WOD 04.21.22

WOD: MIRACLE MILE (see 04.21.21)run 400m25 KB swings, 55/40200m farmer’s carry, 45/30200m waiter’s carry, 45/3025 box jumps, 24/20100m sprint100m walking lunges100m sprint100m walking lunges5 burpees400m

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CrossFit WODs April 18-22

Monday, April 18STRENGTHpush press 5 x 3WOD3 rounds20 DU’s15 wall ball shots, 20/1410 1-arm DB hang power clean and jerk, 50/35 Tuesday, April 19STRENGTHback squat

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Saturday at The Bar

CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WODteams of 3-4, 1 thru circuit at a time20 rounds for time,3 renegade rows, 45/303 hang power cleans3 ring rows3 slam balls,

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Saturday at The Bar

CROSSFIT 8:30 AM LOW BACK PAIN WORKSHOP 10 AM-12 PM WODteams of 2-3, for time …BUY IN: weighted carry Kluge Lakes Lane, 160/100then, 8 rounds3

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CrossFit WOD 04.06.22

WOD (see 04.07.21)AMRAP in 3 minutessquat clean thrusters, 115/75rest 2 minutesAMRAP in 3 minutes5 pull ups5 lateral burpeesrest 2 minutesAMRAP in 3 minutesclean and jerk,

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CrossFit WOD 04.05.22

WOD: FIGHT GONE BAD (see 04.06.21)3 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsmax reps in 1 minute at 5 stationswall ball shots, 20/14SDHP, 75/55box jumps, 20push

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CrossFit WOD 04.04.22

STRENGTHOH squat 5 x 5 WOD (see 04.05.21)row 500m50 slam balls, 30/2050 ring push upsrow 250m25 slam balls25 ring push ups AWOD20 GHD hip extensions

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CrossFit WODs Apr 4-8

Monday, April 4STRENGTHOH squat 5 x 5WOD (see 04.05.21)row 500m50 slam balls, 30/2050 ring push upsrow 250m25 slam balls25 ring push ups Tuesday, April 5WOD:

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Saturday at The Bar

CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WODTeams of 2-3, one person works at a timeFor time,BUY IN: 20 team burpees, then in any order/rep scheme60 hang power cleans,

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CrossFit WOD 03.31.22

WOD200m med ball carry, 20/14200m run50 wall ball shots50 walking lunges200m KB carry, 55.40200m run40 KB swings40 walking lunges200m DB farmer’s carry, 45/30200m run30 DB

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CrossFit WOD 03.28.22

STRENGTHpush press 5 x 5 (all sets above 65%) WOD: SQT (see 03.29.21)3 rounds10 ground to overhead, 95/65200m shuttle sprint AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and

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Saturday at The Bar

CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WOD: CROSSFIT QUARTERFINALS WOD 22.3 (sort of)teams of 2-3, complete the following in any order/rep scheme …128 wall ball shots, 20/1410 rope

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CrossFit WOD 03.24.22

WOD (see 03.25.21)DB DIANE21-15-9DB deadlifts, 45/30handstand push upsrest 2 minutesDB ELIZABETH21-15-9DB squat cleans, 45/30ring dips AWOD30 oblique twists

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CrossFit WOD 03.23.22

WOD: FREAK (first rounds of Fran, Eva, Annie and Kelly) (see 03.22.21)21 thrusters, 95/6521 pull upsrun 800m30 KB swings, 55/4030 pull ups50 DU’s50 sit ups400m

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CrossFit WOD 03.22.22

STRENGTH10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each roundpause front squat + front squat WOD15-9-6toes to barpush upssquats AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit

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Saturday at The Bar

Team Fight Gone Bad (2 person) WOD3 minutes of max reps at 5 stationsno rest between stations1. wall ball shots, 20/142. SDHP, 75/553. box jumps,

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CrossFit WOD 03.17.22

WOD20-15-10-5back squat (from rack, AHAP)alternating plate push ups, 45/25 (left = 1, right = 1)20 DU’s after each set AWOD60 sec hollow rocks60 sec rest40

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CrossFit WOD 03.16.22

WODrow 500m21 shoulder press, 95/6515 deadlifts9 front squats3 lateral burpeesrow 500m21 push press15 deadlifts9 front squats3 lateral burpeesrow 500m21 push jerk15 deadlifts9 front squats3 lateral

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CrossFit WOD 03.15.22

WODrun 800m21 wall ball shots, 20/1421 box jumps, 24/20run 600m15 wall ball shots15 box jumpsrun 400m9 wall ball shots9 box jumpsrun 200m AWODfor time, 50

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CrossFit WODs March 14-18

SPRING BREAK CLASS SCHEDULE: 6 AND 7 AM, 5 PM Monday, March 14STRENGTHsumo deadlift 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WOD30-20-10alt DB snatch, 45/30walking lunges Tuesday, March 15WODrun 800m21 wall ball

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CrossFit WOD 03.11.22

CF Games Open WOD 22.3 21 pull-ups42 double-unders21 thrusters, 95/6518 chest-to-bar pull-ups36 double-unders18 thrusters 115/7515 bar muscle-ups30 double-unders15 thrusters 135/85 12 minute time cap

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CrossFit WOD 03.02.22

STRENGTHbench press 8 x 2 WOD (see 11.01.21)AMRAP in 4 minutes3-6-9 …shoulder press, 95/65 (from rack)air squats AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups

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CrossFit WOD 02.22.22

WOD (see 02.27.20)10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1EVENOH squat, 95/65pull upspush upsbox jumps, 24/20ODDpower snatchtoes to barring dipsbox jumps AWODtabata wall sit/handstand hold mash up

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CrossFit WODs Feb 21-25

Monday, Feb 21STRENGTHEMOM for 8 minutes3 back squatsrest 4 minutesEMOM for 8 minutes3 deadlifts Tuesday, Feb 22WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1EVENOH squat, 95/65pull upspush upsbox jumps, 24/20ODDpower snatchtoes to

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$30 per class

OUR Information:


13615 Kluge Rd, Ste 400, Cypress, TX 77429


(832) 402-6593


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