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CrossFit WODs May 17-21
Monday, May 17 STRENGTH/WOD EMOM for 20 minutes ODD: 3 power clean EVEN: alternate 5 ring dips or 10 pistols (5 rounds of each) Tuesday,
CrossFit WOD 05.14.21
STRENGTH OH squats 5 x 2 WOD row 750m 30 power snatch, 75/55 row 750m AWOD 100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 05.13.21
WODrun 600mrow 750m21 burpee box jump overs, 24/20run 400mrow 500m15 burpee box jump oversrun 200mrow 250m9 burpee box jump overs AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 05.12.21
WOD 5 rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds AMRAP in 3 minutes 3 push jerk, 135/95 6 push ups 9 squats AWOD max sit ups
CrossFit WOD 05.11.21
WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes 5 deadlift, 225/155 10 KB swings, 55/40 5 deadlifts 10 toes to bar 20 DU’s AWOD 20 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 05.10.21
STRENGTH10 x squat clean + split jerk WODAMRAP in 4 minutes3-6-9 …wall ball shots, 20/14med ball sit ups AWOD25 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WODs May 10-14
Monday, May 10 STRENGTH 10 x squat clean + split jerk WOD AMRAP in 4 minutes 3-6-9 … wall ball shots, 20/14 med ball sit
CrossFit WOD 05.07.21
WOD21-15-9thrusters, 95/65pull upspush upsrow, cal. AWODfor time,30 sec hollow rocks30 sec plank hold9 v-ups15 n-ups21 sit ups
CrossFit WOD 05.06.21
WOD3 x 6 minute rounds, clock does not stop between roundsrun 800m20 back squats, 115/75 (from rack)max reps box jumps, 30/24 AWODtabata L-sit/plank hold mash
CrossFit WOD 05.05.21
WOD4 rounds5 power cleans, 135/9525 wall ball shots, 20/145 power cleans25 slam balls, 30/20 AWODtabata wall sit/hand stand hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 05.04.21
STRENGTHpower snatch 10 x 1 WOD: JEREMY (see 07.28.20)21-15-9OH squats, 96/65burpees AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 05.03.21
STRENGTHpush press 5 x 3, all sets above 65% WOD21-15-9toes to barDB deadlift, 45/30DB push press AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs May 3-7
Monday, May 3 STRENGTH push press 5 x 3, all sets above 65% WOD 21-15-9 toes to bar DB deadlift, 45/30 DB push press Tuesday,
CrossFit WOD 04.30.21
WOD: THE GHOST 6 rounds for max reps 1 min. row, cal. 1 min. burpees 1 min. DU’s 1 min. rest AWOD 100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 04.29.21
WOD row 500m, then 21-15-9 box jumps, 24/20 KB swings, 555/40 goblet squats pull ups then, row 250m AWOD 9 v-ups 15 n-ups 21 sit
CrossFit WOD 04.28.21
CrossFit WOD 04.27.21
CrossFit WOD 04.26.21
STRENGTH 10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each round hang power clean + power clean + squat clean WOD 10-8-6-4-2 hand stand push ups
CrossFit WODs April 26-30
Monday, April 26 STRENGTH 10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each round hang power clean + power clean + squat clean WOD 10-8-6-4-2 hand
CrossFit WOD 04.23.21
HYDROSTATIC BODY FAT TESTING NEXT TUESDAY, 4-7:30 PM. SIGN UP ONLINE! WOD 3 rounds row 500m 3 x 3 pull ups + 6 push ups
CrossFit WOD 04.22.21
STRENGTH EMOM for 8 minutes 3 back squats rest 4 minutes EMOM for 8 minutes 3 deadlifts AWOD tabata n-ups/butterfly sit ups mash up
CrossFit WOD 04.21.21
WOD: MIRACLE MILErun 400m25 KB swings, 55/40200m farmer’s carry, 45/30200m waiter’s carry, 45/3025 box jumps, 24/20100m sprint100m walking lunges100m sprint100m walking lunges5 burpees400m med ball
CrossFit WOD 04.20.21
WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes 5 DB renegade rows, 45/30 10 power snatch, 95/65 15 toes to bar 20/18 cal. row AWOD tabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 04.19.21
STRENGTH front squat 3-3-3 push press 2-2-2 thruster (from rack) 1-1-1 WOD 4 rounds 20 DU’s 10 alt. 1-arm DB hang power clean and jerk,
CrossFit WODs April 19-23
Monday, April 19 STRENGTH front squat 3-3-3 push press 2-2-2 thruster (from rack) 1-1-1 WOD 4 rounds 20 DU’s 10 alt. 1-arm DB hang power
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WHITEHURST HERITAGE FARMS RETURNS TODAY: 9:30 AM Farmer Mike will have pastured meats, eggs and fresh juices available for sale.
CrossFit WOD 04.16.21
WOD: NANCY5 roundsrun 400m15 OH squats, 95/65 AWODtabata L-sit/plank hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 04.15.21
WOD 50 DU’s, then 21-15-9 wall ball shots, 20/14 med ball sit ups KB swings, 55/40 KB SDHP DB push press, 45/30 DB bench press
CrossFit WOD 04.14.21
STRENGTHsquat snatch 10 x 1 WODrow 2000m AWODnot for time,20 atomic sit ups
CrossFit WOD 04.13.21
WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes 1-1-1-1, 2-2-2-2, 3-3-3-3 … pull up push up front squat, 135/95 box jump, 24/20 AWOD for time, 25 knees to
CrossFit WOD 04.12.21
STRENGTH sumo deadlift 10 x 2 WOD 4 rounds row 250m 10 slam balls, 30/20 AWOD 20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs April 12-16
Monday, April 12 STRENGTH sumo deadlift 10 x 2 WOD 4 rounds row 250m 10 slam balls, 30/20 Tuesday, April 13 WOD AMRAP in 15
CrossFit WOD 04.09.21
WOD 3 rounds 50 squats 12 toes to bar 10 hang power cleans, 135/95 AWOD tabata weighted plank hold
CrossFit WOD 04.08.21
STRENGTH push jerk 5 x 5 WOD 4 rounds run 400m 20 DU’s rest 1 minute score is total time including rest AWOD 100 reps
CrossFit WOD 04.07.21
WOD AMRAP in 3 minutes squat clean thrusters, 115/75 rest 2 minutes AMRAP in 3 minutes 5 pull ups 5 lateral burpees rest 2 minutes
CrossFit WOD 04.06.21
WOD: FIGHT GONE BAD 3 rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds max reps in 1 minute at 5 stations wall ball shots, 20/14 SDHP, 75/55
CrossFit WOD 04.05.21
STRENGTH OH squat 5 x 5 WOD row 500m 50 slam balls, 30/20 50 ring push ups row 250m 25 slam balls 25 ring push
CrossFit WODs April 5-9
Monday, April 5 STRENGTH OH squat 5 x 5 WOD (see 04.11.19) row 500m 50 slam balls, 30/20 50 ring push ups row 250m 25
CrossFit WOD 04.02.21
WOD21-18-15-12-9-6KB swings, 55/40 + 20 DU’s1-2-3-4-5-6DB renegade rows, 45/30 AWODtabata wall sit/handstand hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 04.01.21
WOD 4 rounds, rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds row 500m AWOD 100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 03.31.21
STRENGTH back squat 5 x 5, all sets 75%+ WOD AMRAP in 7 minutes 8 med ball sit ups, 20/14 2 med ball cleans 8/4,
CrossFit WOD 03.30.21
WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 toes to bar deadlift, 225/155 push up box jump, 24/20 AWOD tabata hollow rocks/superman mash up
CrossFit WOD 03.29.21
STRENGTH push press 5 x 5, all sets 65%+ WOD: SQT 3 rounds 10 ground to overhead, 95/65 200m shuttle sprint AWOD 30 Russian twists
CrossFit WODs March 29-April 2
Monday, March 29 STRENGTH push press 5 x 5, all sets 65%+ WOD: SQT (see 04.02.19) 3 rounds 10 ground to overhead, 95/65 200m shuttle
CrossFit WOD 03.26.21
CF GAMES OPEN WOD 21.3 + 21.4 21.3 For total time: 15 front squats, 95/65 30 toes-to-bars 15 thrusters Then, rest 1 minute before continuing
CrossFit WOD 03.25.21
WOD DB DIANE 21-15-9 DB deadlifts, 45/30 handstand push ups rest 2 minutes DB ELIZABETH 21-15-9 DB squat cleans, 45/30 ring dips AWOD max toes
CrossFit WOD 03.24.21
STRENGTH (see 03.26.19)shoulder press 5 x 5, all sets 65%+deadlift 5 x 5, all sets 75%+ WOD3 minutes on the clockrow 500mmax reps slam balls,
CrossFit WOD 03.23.21
STRENGTH 10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each round 3 snatch grip deadlifts 2 hang power snatch 1 power snatch WOD 3 minutes on
CrossFit WOD 03.22.21
WOD: FREAK (first rounds of Fran, Eva, Annie and Kelly)21 thrusters, 95/6521 pull upsrun 800m30 KB swings, 55/4030 pull ups50 DU’s50 sit ups400m run30 box
CrossFit WODs March 22-26
Monday, March 22 WOD: FREAK (first rounds of Fran, Eva, Annie and Kelly) 21 thrusters, 95/65 21 pull ups run 800m 30 KB swings, 55/40
CrossFit WOD 03.19.21
CF GAMES OPEN WOD 21.2 10 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 20 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box jump-overs 30 dumbbell snatches 15 burpee box
CrossFit WOD 03.18.21
WOD 5 rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds AMRAP in 2 minutes 1. 20 KB swings, 55/40 + max reps DB bench press, 45/30 2.
CrossFit WOD 03.17.21
WODrow 500m21 shoulder press, 95/6515 deadlifts9 front squats3 bar facing burpeesrow 500m21 push press, 95/6515 deadlifts9 front squats3 bar facing burpeesrow 500m21 push jerk, 95/6515
CrossFit WOD 03.16.21
SPRING BREAK SCHEDULE: CLASSES AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PM STRENGTHOH squats 10 x 2 WOD20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2alt DB snatch, 45/302-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20walking lunges AWODfor time,9
CrossFit WOD 03.15.21
SPRING BREAK SCHEDULE: CLASSES AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PM STRENGTH/WODEMOM for 24 minutes1. 2 power clean + split jerk2. 5 chest
CrossFit WODs March 15-19
SPRING BREAK SCHEDULE: CLASSES AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PM Monday, March 15STRENGTH/WODEMOM for 24 minutes1. 2 power clean + split jerk2.
CrossFit WOD 03.12.21
CF GAMES OPEN WOD 21.1 1 wall walk10 double-unders3 wall walks30 double-unders6 wall walks60 double-unders9 wall walks90 double-unders15 wall walks150 double-unders21 wall walks210 double-unders Time
CrossFit WOD 03.11.21
WODmax reps in 1 minute at 6 stations, no rest between stationstoes to bargoblet squats, 55/40DU’sKB SDHPpush upsslam ball, 30/30rest 2 minutes, repeat AWODtabata handstand
CrossFit WOD 03.10.21
WODrun 600m21 thrusters, 95/6521 pull upsrun 400m15 thrusters15 pull upsrun 200m9 thrusters9 pull ups AWODtabata butterfly sit ups
CrossFit WOD 03.09.21
WOD (see 03.10.20)AMRAP in 15 minutes1 lateral burpee5 deadlifts, 225/15510 box jumps, 24/2015 wall ball shots, 20/14increase lateral burpee rep by 1 each round AWODtabata
CrossFit WOD 03.08.21
STRENGTHEMOM for 8 minutespause front squat + front squat WOD10-8-6-4-2single arm DB hang clean and jerk, 50/35ring dips AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit
CrossFit WODs March 8-12
Monday, March 8 STRENGTH EMOM for 8 minutes pause front squat + front squat WOD 10-8-6-4-2 single arm DB hang clean and jerk, 50/35 ring
CrossFit WOD 03.05.21
WODAMRAP in 15 minutes5 squat snatch + OH squat10 slam balls, 30/2015 DB bench press, 45/30 AWODnot for time, 10 Turkish get ups20 atomic sit
CrossFit WOD 03.04.21
WOD2 rounds10 handstand push ups10 pistols10 knees to elbows50 walking lunges10 hand stand push ups10 pistols10 knees to elbows50 single-leg jump rope AWODtabata superman/wall sit
CrossFit WOD 03.03.21
STRENGTHsplit jerk 10 x 1 WODAMRAP in 4 minutes3-6-9 …shoulder press, 95/65 (from rack)air squats AWOD30 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 03.02.21
WODrow 500m, then10 rounds10 KB swings, 55/4010 sit upsthen, row 250m AWODnot for time, 20 PVC shoot throughs
CrossFit WOD 03.01.21
STRENGTHEMOM for 16 minutesODD: 3 lateral burpees + 5 med ball cleansEVEN: 3 position power clean (high hang, low hang, ground) AWOD30-20-10hanging knee raisesmountain climbers
CrossFit WODs March 1-5
Monday, March 1STRENGTH/WODEMOM for 16 minutesODD: 3 lateral burpees + 5 med ball cleansEVEN: 3 position power clean (high hang, low hang, ground) Tuesday, March
CrossFit WOD 02.26.21
STRENGTHEMOM for 8 minutes3 back squatsrest 4 minutesEMOM for 8 minutes3 deadlifts AWODfor time,25 toes to bar25 sit ups
CrossFit WOD 02.25.21
WODAMRAP in 15 minutes5 hang power cleans, 135/9510 push ups15 box jumps, 24/2020 DU’s AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WOD 02.24.21
STRENGTH10 x 2 thrusters (from ground) WOD21-15-9wall ball shots, 20/14pull ups AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 02.23.21
WOD2 roundsrow 500m15 deadlifts, 205/135run 400m15 deadlifts AWODtabata med ball sit ups
CrossFit WOD 02.22.21
WOD4 rounds10 SDHP, 95/6510 push press20 back squats200m run AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WODs Feb 22-26
Monday, Feb 22WOD4 rounds10 SDHP, 95/6510 push press20 back squats200m run Tuesday, Feb 23WOD2 roundsrow 500m15 deadlifts, 205/135run 400m15 deadlifts Wednesday, Feb 24STRENGTH10 x 2
CrossFit WOD 02.19.21
CLASSES TODAY AT 7, 8 AND 9 AM, 4 AND 5 PM WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1EVENpull upsOH squats, 95/65box jumps, 24/20ODDtoes to barpower snatchbox jumps AWODtabata weighted plank
CrossFit WOD 02.18.21
CLASSES TODAY AT 4 AND 5 PM ONLY WODrow 1000m21 shoulder press, 95/65 (from rack)row 1000m21 push pressrow 1000m21 push jerk AWODmax sit ups in
CrossFit WOD 02.16.21
CLASSES AT 4 AND 5 PM ONLY WOD21-15-9deadlift, 225/155push upswall ball shots, 20/14med ball sit upsrow, cal AWODtabata hollow rocks/supermans
CrossFit WODs Feb 15-19
Monday, Feb 15CLOSED Tuesday, Feb 16CLASSES AT 4 AND 5 PM ONLYWOD21-15-9deadlift, 225/155push upswall ball shot, 20/14med ball sit uprow, cal Wednesday, Feb 17STRENGTH8 x
Saturday at The Bar
9-10:30 AM FARMER’S MARKETFresh pasta, ravioli, lasagna and Italian sauces from Della Casa PastaFresh vegetables, pastured meats and fresh squeezed juices from Whitehurst Heritage FarmsMaplewood
CrossFit WOD 02.12.21
WOD3 burpee box jumps, 24/20row 100m10 DB renegade rows, 45/303 burpee box jumpsrow 200m20 KB SDHP, 55/403 burpee box jumpsrow 300m30 slam balls, 30/203 burpee
CrossFit WOD 02.11.21
WOD CF Games Open WOD 18.1AMRAP in 20 minutes8 toes to bar10 single DB hang clean and jerk, 50/35 (5 each arm)14/12 cal row AWOD30
CrossFit WOD 02.10.21
STRENGTH push press 10 x 1 WOD: CF Games Open WOD 18.5 AMRAP in 7 minutes 3-6-9 … thrusters, 95/65 chest to bar pull ups
CrossFit WOD 02.09.21
STRENGTHOH squat 10 x 1 WOD: CF Games Open WOD 14.1AMRAP in 10 minutes30 DU’s15 power snatch 75/55 AWOD25 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 02.08.21
WOD 200m med ball carry, 20/14 10 back squats, 225/155 (from rack) 200m DB farmer’s carry, 45/30 10 back squats 200m DB waiter’s carry 10
CrossFit WODs Feb 8-12
Monday, Feb 8WOD200m med ball carry, 20/1410 back squats, 225/155 (from rack)200m DB farmer’s carry, 45/3010 back squats200m DB waiter’s carry10 back squats100m walking lunges100m
Saturday at The Bar
FARMERS MARKET 8:30-10:30 AMHomemade fresh pasta, ravioli, lasagna and Italian sauces from Della Casa PastaFarm fresh veggies, pastured meats, and fresh squeezed juices from Whitehurst