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CrossFit WOD 01.31.22
STRENGTH front squat 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 SDHP, 85/55 push press AWOD 20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs Jan 31-Feb 4
Monday, Jan 31STRENGTHfront squat 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WOD21-18-15-12-9-6-3SDHP, 85/55push press Tuesday, Feb 1STRENGTHOH squat 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WOD30-20-10OH walking lunges, 45/25DU’sbutterfly sit ups Wednesday, Feb 2WOD3 roundsrow 250m15 thrusters, 95/65row 250m15
CrossFit WOD 01.28.22
WOD max reps in 2 minutes at 6 stations, 1 minute rest between stations power clean, 135/95 slam balls, 30/20 ring push ups power clean,
CrossFit WOD 01.27.22
WODrow 500m15 high hang power snatch, 95/6515 OH squatsrow 500m15 low hang power snatch15 OH squatsrow 500m15 power snatch15 OH squats AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 01.26.22
STRENGTH push jerk 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD (see 01.27.21) 6 minutes on the clock run 800m then, max reps chest to bar pull ups AWOD for time,
CrossFit WOD 01.25.22
WOD AMRAP in 20 minutes 200m med ball carry 15 box jumps, 24/20 10 deadlifts, 185/135 5 bar facing burpees AWOD for time, 50 med
CrossFit WOD 01.24.22
STRENGTHbench press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD (see 01.25.21)AMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …goblet squats, 55/40handstand push ups AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WODs Jan 24-28
Monday, Jan 24STRENGTHbench press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WOD (see 01.25.21)AMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …goblet squats, 55/40handstand push ups Tuesday, Jan 25WODAMRAP in 20 minutes200m med
CrossFit WOD 01.21.22
WOD: CF GAMES OPEN WOD 15.1 and 15.1a CLOCK DOES NOT STOP BETWEEN WODS AMRAP in 9 minutes 15 toes to bar 10 deadlifts, 115/75
CrossFit WOD 01.20.22
STRENGTH max height box jump (see 01.18.21) max weight pull up OR max sec flex arm hang (see 01.21.21) WOD 7 rounds 7 pull ups
CrossFit WOD 01.19.22
STRENGTH deadlift 1-1-1 WOD (see 01.22.21) 50 DB bench press, 45/30 run Kluge Lakes Lane AWOD not for time, 9 v-ups 15 n-ups 21 sit
CrossFit WOD 01.18.22
STRENGTHback squat 1-1-1 WOD (see 01.20.21)200m OH plate carry, 45/25then,5 rounds10 wall ball shots, 20/1410 med ball sit ups AWODnot for time,3 rounds10 hollow rocks20
CrossFit WOD 01.17.22
STRENGTHshoulder press 1-1-1 WOD (see 01.19.21)25 power snatch, 95/6525 OH squats25 power cleans25 thrustersEMOM 3 burpees AWOD25 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs Jan 17-21
Monday, Jan 17STRENGTHshoulder press 1-1-1WOD (see 01.19.21)25 power snatch, 95/6525 OH squats25 power cleans25 thrustersEMOM 3 burpees Tuesday, Jan 18STRENGTHback squat 1-1-1WOD (see 01.20.21)200m OH
CrossFit WOD 01.14.22
STRENGTH clean pulls 3-3-3 hang squat clean 2-2-2 squat clean 1-1-1 WOD 3 rounds 10 toes to bar 10 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk,
CrossFit WOD 01.13.22
WOD (similar to 01.07.21) row 1000m, rest 4 minutes row 750m, rest 3 minutes row 500m, rest 2 minutes row 250m AWOD 100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 01.12.22
STRENGTH snatch pull 3-3-3 hang squat snatch 2-2-2 squat snatch 1-1-1 WOD 30-20-10 alt DB snatch, 45/30 butterfly sit ups walking lunges AWOD 25 calf
CrossFit WOD 01.11.22
WOD AMRAP in 15 minutes 10 pull ups 5 deadlifts, 225/155 10 push ups 5 deadlifts 10 box jumps, 24/20 AWOD tabata wall sit/handstand hold
CrossFit WOD 01.10.22
WOD50 squats21 shoulder press, 95/6515 KB swings, 55/409 ring dips50 squats21 push press15 KB swings9 ring dips50 squats21 push jerk15 KB swings9 ring dips AWOD20
CrossFit WODs Jan 10-14
Monday, Jan 10WOD50 squats21 shoulder press, 95/6515 KB swings, 55/409 ring dips50 squats21 push press15 KB swings9 ring dips50 squats21 push jerk15 KB swings9 ring
CrossFit WOD 01.07.22
WOD3 rounds50 DU’s10 back squats, 225/155 (from rack)12 DB renegade rows, 45/30 AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 01.06.22
STRENGTH split jerk 8 x 2 WOD 21-15-9 toes to bar slam balls, 30/20 AWOD 30 calf raises 30 Russian twists 2019 WEIGHTLIFTING CLINIC WITH
CrossFit WOD 01.05.22
WOD 0:00-1:00 row, meters 1:00-2:00 1 thruster, 95/65 + row 2:00-3:00 2 thrusters + row 3:00-4:00 3 thrusters + row 4:00-5:00 4 thrusters + row
CrossFit WOD 01.04.22
WOD (see 01.04.21) AMRAP in 20 minutes run 200m 3 hang power cleans, 135/95 4 KB swings, 55/40 5 box jumps, 24/20 AWOD 20 calf
CrossFit WOD 01.03.22
STRENGTH snatch balance + 2 OH squats WOD 10-8-6-4-2 chest to bar pull ups pistols AWOD 20 calf raises 20 GHD hip extensions and GHD
CrossFit WODs Jan 3-7
Monday, Jan 3STRENGTHsnatch balance + 2 OH squatsWOD10-8-6-4-2chest to bar pull upspistols Tuesday, Jan 4WOD (see 01.04.21)AMRAP in 20 minutesrun 200m3 hang power cleans, 135/954
CrossFit WOD 12.31.21
ONE CLASS TODAY AT 8:30 AMCLOSED SATURDAY, JAN 1 WOD: CAN BE DONE WITH A PARTNER5 roundsrun 400m30 box jumps, 24/2030 (class pick) AWODguys vs
CrossFit WOD 12.30.21
CLASSES TODAY AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PMWARM UP2 x 10 squats, push ups, sit ups, pull ups WODrow 1000m21 SDHP, 75/5521
CrossFit WOD 12.29.21
CLASSES TODAY AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PM STRENGTHE2MOM for 16 minutes3 bench press3 deadlifts WODtabata row AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and
CrossFit WOD 12.28.21
CLASSES TODAY AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PM STRENGTH10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each roundpause front squat + front squat
CrossFit WOD 12.27.21
CLASSES TODAY AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PM WOD21-18-15-12-9-6wall ball shotsmed ball sit ups1-2-3-4-5-6squat clean + split jerk, 135/95 AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WODs Dec 27-31
Monday, Dec 27CLASSES TODAY AT 6 AND 7 AM, 5 AND 6 PMWOD21-18-15-12-9-6wall ball shots, 20/14med ball sit ups1-2-3-4-5-6squat clean + split jerk, 135/95 Tuesday,
CrossFit WOD 12.24.21
ONE CLASS TODAY AT 8:30 AMWOD: 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS CROSSFITrep scheme follows the song: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, 5-4-3-2-1 …1. tuck jump2. burpees3. pull
CrossFit WOD 12.23.21
STRENGTH (see 01.19.21)standing broad jump 1-1-1 WOD3 rounds50 DU’s400m run30 walking lunges200m KB carry, 55/4010 handstand push ups AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 12.22.21
WOD7 rounds7 power cleans, 95/657 thrusters7 lateral burpees AWODtabata plank hold/sit ups mash up
CrossFit WOD 12.21.21
WODAMRAP in 18 minutes1-1-1-1, 2-2-2-2, 3-3-3-3 …pull uppush upsquat snatch, 95/65box jump, 24/20
CrossFit WOD 12.20.21
STRENGTH8 x 3 position power snatch WOD21-15-91-arm DB snatch, 45/30toes to bar1-arm DB snatchsit ups AWOD30 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WODs Dec 20-25
Monday, Dec 20STRENGTH8 x 3 position power snatchWOD21-15-91-arm DB snatch, 45/30toes to bar1-arm DB snatchsit ups Tuesday, Dec 21WODAMRAP in 18 minutes1-1-1-1, 2-2-2-2, 3-3-3-3 …pull
CrossFit WOD 12.17.21
WOD50-40-30-20-10row, cal.after each set10 deadlifts, 205/13510 knees to elbows AWODtabata weighted plank hold
CrossFit WOD 12.16.21
STRENGTH5 x shoulder press + 2 push press WOD21-15-9ring rowsDB hang power clean,, 45/30push upsn-ups AWOD30 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 12.15.21
WODAMRAP in 17 minutes5 chest to bar pull ups10 box jumps, 24/2015 OH squats, 95/65200m run AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 12.14.21
STRENGTH10 x squat clean + front squat WODAMRAP in 5 minutes3-6-9 …wall ball shots, 20/14med ball sit ups AWOD30 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 12.13.21
WOD5 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 2 minutes20 KB swings, 55/40 + max reps DB push press, 45/3020 KB swings + max reps
CrossFit WODs Dec 13-17
Monday, Dec 13WOD5 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 2 minutes20 KB swings, 55/40 + max reps DB push press, 45/3020 KB swings +
CrossFit WOD 12.10.21
WOD15 minutes on the clock30 clean and jerks, 135/95then,AMRAP20 DU’s20 cal row AWOD60 sec hollow rocks, rest 60 sec40 sec hollow rocks, rest 40 sec20
CrossFit WOD 12.09.21
WODrow 500m10 DB renegade man makers, 45/30run 400m10 DB renegade man makersrow 250m5 DB renegade man makersrun 200m5 DB renegade man makers AWOD50 sit ups
CrossFit WOD 12.08.21
STRENGTHOH squat 3-3-3-1-1-1-1 WODAMRAP in 10 minutes3-6-9 …pull upspower snatch, 95/65OH squat AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WOD 12.07.21
WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1deadlifts, 225/155EVENtoes to barlateral burpeesODDsprint 100mburpee box jump overs, 24/20 AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 12.06.21
STRENGTHpush jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1-1 WOD10-8-6-4-2pistolsring dips, thenrow 1000m AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs Dec 6-10
Monday, Dec 6STRENGTHpush jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1-1WOD10-8-6-4-2pistolsring dips, thenrow 1000m Tuesday, Dec 7WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1dead lifts, 225/155EVENtoes to barlateral burpeesODDsprint 100mburpee box jump overs, 24/20 Wednesday, Dec 8STRENGTHOH squat
CrossFit WOD 12.03.21
WODrow 1000m, rest 4 minutesrow 750m, rest 3 minutesrow 500m, rest 2 minutesrow 250m AWOD100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 12.02.21
STRENGTHbench press 10 x 2 WODAMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …med ball sit ups, 20/14med ball cleans AWODstretch/foam roll
CrossFit WOD 12.01.21
WOD800m run21 wall ball shots, 20/1415 KB swings, 55/409 DB deadlifts, 45/30400m run + 200m DB carry21 wall ball shots15 KB swings9 DB deadlifts200m run
CrossFit WOD 11.30.21
WODAMRAP in 18 minutes15 box jumps, 24/2012 push press, 115/759 toes to bar AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 11-29-21
STRENGTHEMOM for 8 minutes3 back squatsrest 4 minutesEMOM for 8 minutes3 deadlifts AWODtabata DU’s/sit ups mash up
CrossFit WODs Nov 29-Dec 3
Monday, Nov 29STRENGTHEMOM for 8 minutes3 back squatsrest 4 minutesEMOM for 8 minutes3 deadlifts Tuesday, Nov 30WOD (see 12.01.21)AMRAP in 18 minutes15 box jumps, 24/2012
CrossFit WOD 11.25.21
HAPPY THANKSGIVINGONLY ONE CLASS TODAY AT 8:30 AM WOD: FILTHY FIFTYfeel free to share this WOD with partners50 box jumps, 24/2050 jumping pull ups50 KB
CrossFit WOD 11.24.21
NO AFTERNOON CLASSES TODAY WOD21-15-9ring rowshang power snatch, 75/55push upsslam balls, 30/20row, cal. AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WODs 11.23.21
STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutesrun 200m3 hang power cleans, AHAP4 DB push jerk, 50/35 AWODtabata L-sit/plank hold mashup
CrossFit WOD 11.22.21
STRENGTHthruster 5 x 2 (rack) WOD (see 11.23.20)5 minutes on the clockrow 750mmax reps thrusters, 95/65 AWOD50 butterfly sit ups for time
CrossFit WODs Nov 22-27
Monday, Nov 22STRENGTHthruster 5 x 2 (rack)WOD5 minutes on the clockrow 750mmax reps thrusters, 95/65 Tuesday, Nov 23STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutesrun 200m3 hang power cleans,
CrossFit WOD 11.19.21
WOD: HELEN3 roundsrun 400m21 KB swings, 55/4012 pull ups AWOD30 sec hollow rocks30 sec plank hold21-15-9sit upspush ups
CrossFit WOD 11.18.21
WODAMRAP in 17 minutes20 wall ball shots, 20/1420 SDHP, 75/5520 box jumps, 24/2020 push press, 75/5520 cal row AWODfor time,9 v-ups15 n-ups21 sit ups
CrossFit WOD 11.17.21
STRENGTHsquat snatch 10 x 1 WOD (see 03.16.21)20-2 alt 1-arm DB snatch, 45/302-20 walking lunges AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WOD 11.16.21
STRENGTHpush press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD (see 06.02.21)DEATH BY CLEAN AND JERK, 135/95 AWODnot for time,3 rounds10 hollow rocks20 supermans
CrossFit WOD 11.15.21
WODrow 1000m100 air squats50 DB bench press, 45/30row 500m50 air squats25 DB bench press AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs Nov 15-19
Monday, Nov 15WODrow 1000m100 air squats50 DB bench press, 45/30row 500m50 air squats25 DB bench press Tuesday, Nov 16STRENGTHpush press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WODDEATH BY CLEAN AND JERK,
Saturday at The Bar
GOOD LUCK TO AIMEE, EMILY AND ROSA TODAY AT THE GIRLS GONE RX COMPETITIONThis competition is a fundraiser for breast cancer prevention and early detection.
CrossFit WOD 11.12.21
WOD12 minutes on the clockAMRAP in 4 minutes: row, cal.AMRAP in 4 minutes: squat cleans, 135/95AMRAP in 4 minutes: 10 push ups + 10 DU’s
CrossFit WOD 11.11.21
WOD10 handstand push ups20 pull ups30 OH walking lunges, 45/25400m run50 thrusters, 45/35400m run30 OH walking lunges20 pull ups10 handstand push ups AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 11.10.21
STRENGTHOH squats 10 x 1 WOD7 rounds7 KB swings, 55/407 burpees AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WOD 11.09.21
WODAMRAP in 20 minutes5 deadlifts, 225/15510 box jumps, 24/205 deadlifts10 toes to bar20 wall ball shots, 20/14 AWODmax med ball sit ups in 1 minute
CrossFit WOD 11.08.21
STRENGTH/WODEMOM for 16 minutesODD: 3 front squatsEVEN: 20 DU’s AWODtabata wall sit/handstand hold mash up
CrossFit WODs Nov 8-12
Monday, Nov 8STRENGTH/WODEMOM for 16 minutesODD: 3 front squatsEVEN: 20 DU’s Tuesday, Nov 9WODAMRAP in 20 minutes5 deadlifts, 225/15510 box jumps, 24/205 deadlifts10 toes to
CrossFit WOD 11.05.21
WOD3 roundsrun 400m21 ring push ups15 OH squats, 95/659 butterfly sit ups AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 11.04.21
WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1EVENpull upspush press, 115/75box jumps, 24/20ODDring dipspower cleansbox jumps AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 11.03.21
WOD (see 04.01.21)4 rounds, rest exactly 3 minutes between roundsrow 500m AWOD100 reps core
CrossFit WOD 11.02.21
STRENGTHsnatch balance 5-4-3-2-1-1 WODAMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6 …alt 1-arm DB snatch, 45/30knees to elbows AWODnot for time,3 rounds10 hollow rocks20 supermans
CrossFit WOD 11.01.21
STRENGTHdeadlift 10 x 1 WOD (see 03.03.21)AMRAP in 4 minutes3-6-9 …shoulder press, 95/65 (rack)air squats AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WODs Nov 1-5
Monday, Nov 1 STRENGTH deadlift 10 x 1 WOD AMRAP in 4 minutes 3-6-9 … shoulder press, 95/65 (rack) air squats Tuesday, Nov 2 STRENGTH
Saturday at The Bar
CrossFit WOD 10.29.21
FUN FRIDAY PARTNER WOD: THE GREAT PUMPKIN CAPERAMRAP in 15 minutes400m pumpkin run, 20/1415 pumpkin wall shots, 20/1415 jack o lantern swings, 55/4015 pumpkin slams,
CrossFit WOD 10.28.21
WOD: GBAR3 CRIPPLER30 back squats, 225/155row 1000mrest 4 minutes30 clean and jerks, 135/95run Kluge Lakes Lane AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 10.27.21
STRENGTHsplit jerk 10 x 1 WOD: FRANKENSTEIN21-15-9DB hang squat clean thrusters, 45/30ring rows AWOD30 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 10.26.21
WOD: DEAD ANNIE50-40-30-20-10DU’s + sit ups10-8-6-4-2DEAD lifts, 225/165 AWODtabata DB bench press
CrossFit WOD 10.25.21
WOD: FRIGHT GONE BAD3 rounds, 1 min rest between roundsAMRAP in 1 minute at 5 stationshang power snatch, 75/55OH squatslateral burpeestoes to barrow, cal. AWODtabata
CrossFit WODs Oct 25-29
Monday, Oct 25 WOD: FRIGHT GONE BAD (see 10.26.20) 3 rounds, 1 min rest between rounds AMRAP in 1 minute at 5 stations hang power
Saturday at The Bar
CrossFit WOD 10.22.21
WOD 25 DU’s 25 slam balls, 30/20 then, 5 rounds sprint to grate 10 jumping squats sprint to start 10 KB SDHP, 55/40 then, 25