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CrossFit WOD 07.13.22
WOD3 rounds50 walking lunges21 deadlifts, 185/13515 slam balls, 30/209 DB renegade rows, 45/30 AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 07.12.22
STRENGTHthruster (from rack) 8 x 2 WOD (see 03.02.22)AMRAP in 4 minutes3-6-9 …shoulder press (from rack), 95/65air squats AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit
CrossFit WOD 07.11.22
STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutes3 bench press4 alt DB snatch, 50/355 box jumps, 30/24 AWODrow 250m25 knees to elbowsrow 250m25 butterfly sit ups
CrossFit WODs July 11-15
Monday, July 11STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutes3 bench press4 alt DB snatch, 50/355 box jumps, 30/24 Tuesday, July 12STRENGTHthruster (from rack) 8 x 2WODAMRAP in 4
Saturday at The Bar
HEY Y’ALL CHECK THIS OUT! Thursday night during our Ascend Nutrition Zoom Call we discussed taking extra measures to stay hydrated during extreme heat and
CrossFit WOD 07.08.22
WOD: DEATH BY BACK SQUAT (see 07.09.21)with a continuously running clock0:00-1:00 1 back squat, 225/1551:00-2:00 2 back squats2:00-3:00 3 back squats… continue til you can
CrossFit WOD 07.07.22
WODrow 1000mthen,3 rounds15 box jumps, 24/2015 KB swing, 55/4015 DB push press, 45/3015 pull ups AWODtabata wall sit/hand stand hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 07.06.22
STRENGTHsplit jerk 10 x 1 WOD (see 07.07.21)AMRAP in 10 minutes20/5, 20/10, 20/15, 20/20, 20/25 …DU’swall ball shots, 20/14 AWODnot for time,50 med ball sit
CrossFit WOD 07.05.22
WOD: BASELINErow 500m40 squats30 sit ups20 push ups10 pull ups STRENGTH10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each roundpause front squat + front squat AWOD20
CrossFit WOD 07.04.22
ONE CLASS TODAY AT 8:30 AM HERO WOD: LUMBERJACK 2020 dead lifts, 275/185run 400m20 KB swings, 70/55run 400m20 OH squats, 115/80run 400m20 burpeesrun 400m20 chest
CrossFit WODs July 4-8
Monday, July 4ONE CLASS TODAY AT 8:30 AMHERO WOD: LUMBERJACK 20(can be done with a partner!)20 dead lifts, 275/185run 400m20 KB swings, 70/55run 400m20 OH
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AMELEMENTS 9:30 AM WODteams of 2-3200 DB bench press, 50/35at every transition team must…weighted lunge to wall and back AWODguys vs gals squat
CrossFit WOD 07.01.22
WOD21-15-9deadlifts, 225/155lateral burpeesrow, cal. AWOD2 rounds for max sit ups20 sec side plank20 sec plank20 sec side plank30 sec sit ups30 sec rest
CrossFit WOD 06.30.22
STRENGTHOH squat 10 x 1 WOD10-8-6-4-2hang power snatch, 115/75box jumps, 24/20 AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 06.29.22
WOD (see 07.01.21)4 rounds for individual times, rest exactly 3 minutes between roundsrow 500m15 wall ball shots, 20/14 AWOD50 med ball sit ups for time
CrossFit WOD 06.28.22
WOD (see 06.28.21)run 200m20 power cleans, 95/6520 front squats20 ring push upsrun 200m20 squat cleans20 push press20 ring push upsrun 200m20 hang power cleans20 thrusters20
CrossFit WOD 06.27.22
STRENGTHpower clean + push jerk 10 x 1 WOD3 rounds5 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk, 50/3510 toes to bar5 1-arm DB hang clean and
CrossFit WODs June 27-July 1
Monday, June 27STRENGTHpower clean + push jerk 10 x 1WOD3 rounds5 1-arm DB hang clean and jerk, 50/3510 toes to bar5 1-arm DB hang clean
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AMELEMENTS 9:30 AM WODPart 1: 15 minutes to find 1 rep max squat snatchPart 2: TBA 2-3 partner teams
CrossFit WOD 06.24.22
WODMax reps in 2 minutes at 6 stations, 1 min rest between stationswall ball shots, 20/14SDHP, 75/55DB bench press, 45/30med ball sit ups, 20/14back squat,
CrossFit WOD 06.23.22
WOD21-18-15-12-9KB swings, 55/40 + 20 DU’s2-4-6-8-10muscle ups (scale chest to bar pull up + ring dip) AWODtabata weighted plank hold
CrossFit WOD 06.22.22
WODrow 1000m21 shoulder press, 95/65row 1000m21 push pressrow 1000m21 push jerk AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
CrossFit WOD 06.21.22
STRENGTH (see 06.21.21)snatch grip push jerk 5 x 1snatch balance 5 x 1 WOD21-15-91-arm DB snatch, 45/30slam balls, 30/201-arm DB snatchDB goblet squats AWOD30 Russian
CrossFit WOD 06.20.22
STRENGTHEMOM for 8 minutes3 back squatsrest 4 minEMOM for 8 minutes3 deadlifts AWOD21-15-9push upssit ups
CrossFit WODs June 20-24
Monday, June 20STRENGTHEMOM for 8 minutes3 back squatsrest 4 minEMOM for 8 minutes3 deadlifts Tuesday, June 22STRENGTH (see 06.21.21)snatch grip push jerk 5 x 1snatch
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AMELEMENTS 9:30 AM WODTeams of 2-3, work in any order…100 partner power wall ball shots, 20/14100 deadlifts, 225/155100 12″ speed jumps100 hang power
CrossFit WOD 06.17.22
WOD (see 06.18.21)7 rounds7 power snatch, 95/657 OH squats7 bar facing burpees AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 06.16.22
STRENGTH (see 12.23.21)standing broad jump 1-1-1 WOD3 rounds50 DU’s400m run30 walking lunges20 butterfly sit ups10 DB renegade rows, 45/30 AWOD30 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 06.15.22
WOD3 rounds5 x 1 squat clean + 1 front squat + 1 push jerk, 135/9512 toes to bar500m row AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 06.14.22
WOD: FRAN (see 06.16.21)21-15-9thrusters, 95/65pull ups AWODfor time,9 v-ups15 n-ups21 sit ups
CrossFit WOD 06.13.22
STRENGTH (see 06.23.21)shoulder press 5 x 1push press 5 x 1push jerk 5 x 1 WOD4 x 250m row, rest exactly 1 minute between rounds
CrossFit WODs June 13-17
Monday, June 13STRENGTH (see 06.23.21)shoulder press 5 x 1push press 5 x 1push jerk 5 x 1WOD4 x 250m row, rest exactly 1 minute between
Saturday at The Bar
WOD: 9 WODS PREGNANTteams of 2, alternate movementsAMRAP in 20 minutes1 wall ball shot, 20/142 air squats3 push ups4 box step ups5 ring rows6 DB
CrossFit WOD 06.10.22
WOD10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1toes to bardeadlift, 225/155push upsbox jumps, 24/20 AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 06.09.22
STRENGTH8 x squat snatch + OH squat WOD (see 06.07.21)AMRAP in 8 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …slam balls, 30/20hang squat snatch, 75/55 AWOD20 GHD hip
CrossFit WOD 06.08.22
WOD3 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 5 minutes3 chest to bar pull ups6 KB swings, 55/409 wall ball shots, 20/14 AWODtabata L-sit/plank hold
CrossFit WOD 06.07.22
WOD (see 06.10.21)row 750m21 DB deadlift, 45/3021 DB hang squat cleans21 med ball sit ups, 20/14row 500m15 DB deadlift15 DB hang squat cleans15 med ball
CrossFit WOD 06.06.22
STRENGTHpush press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD (see 06.09.21)AMRAP in 7 minutes2-4-6-8 …power clean, 155/105hand stand push up AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and sit up
CrossFit WODs June 6-10
Monday, June 6STRENGTHpush press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WOD (see 06.09.21)AMRAP in 7 minutes2-4-6-8 …power clean, 155/105hand stand push up Tuesday, June 7WOD (see 06.10.21)row 750m21 DB deadlift, 45/3021
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WODIn teams of 2-3, one person works at a timeBUY IN: 20 partner burpees1 burpee broad jump1 burpee pull up1 burpee box
CrossFit WOD 06.03.22
WODAMRAP in 15 minutes5 Curtis P’s, 95/6510 box jumps, 24/2015 ??? (class pick) AWODtabata hollow rocks/superman mash up
CrossFit WOD 06.02.22
DRIVEN WHEY™ Whey Protein Your body literally can’t create new muscle without protein. Taking protein before and after workout is the best way to speed
CrossFit WOD 06.01.22
WOD25 med ball sit ups, 20/1425 KB swings, 55/40200m KB carry, 45/3050 alt DB snatch50 cal row200m DB waiter’s carry25 KB swings25 med ball sit
CrossFit WOD 05.31.22
STRENGTHdeadlift 5-5-3-3-2-1-1 WOD7 rounds7 SDHP, 75/557 push press AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit ups
One class today at 8:30 am WOD: MURPHrun 1 mile100 pull ups200 push ups300 squatsrun 1 mileYou may break up the pull up, push up
CrossFit WODs May 30-June 3
Monday, May 30One class today at 8:30 AMWOD: MEMORIAL DAY MURPHrun 1 mile100 pull ups200 push ups300 squatsrun 1 mileYou may break up the pull
Saturday at The Bar
CrossFit WOD 05.27.22
CrossFit WOD 05.26.22
WOD30 OH walking lunges, 45/254 rounds5 squat snatch, 95/655 ring dips20 OH walking lunges3 rounds5 squat snatch5 ring dips10 OH walking lunges2 rounds5 squat snatch5
CrossFit WOD 05.25.22
CrossFit WOD 05.24.22
CrossFit WOD 05.23.22
STRENGTHsquat clean + split jerk 10 x 1 WODFor time, run Kluge Lakes Lane AWOD100 reps core
CrossFit WODs May 23-27
Monday, May 23STRENGTHsquat clean + split jerk 10 x 1WODFor time, run Kluge Lakes Lane Tuesday, May 24STRENGTHbench press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1WOD (see 05.26.21)15 pull ups15 push
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WODteams of 2-3, 1 thru circuit at a timeAMRAP in 20 minutes6 DB bench press, 50/356 toes to bar6 deadlifts, 225/1556 wall
CrossFit WOD 05.20.22
WOD200m DB carry, 45/30200m back peddle5 DB renegade rows10 pistols200m KB carry, 55/40200m back peddle5 DB renegade rows10 pistols15 KB SDHP200m med ball carry, 20/14200m
CrossFit WOD 05.19.22
WOD (see 05.20.21)4 rounds10 power cleans, 115/7510 shoulder to overhead20 back squats20 DU’s AWOD60 sec hollow rocks60 sec rest40 sec hollow rocks40 sec rest20 sec
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When you’re looking for the perfect gym membership near you, it’s like finding your soulmate. You have to take some time and really think about
CrossFit WOD 05.18.22
WOD (see 05.13.21)run 600mrow 750m21 burpee box jump overs, 24/20run 400mrow 500m15 burpee box jump oversrun 200mrow 250m9 burpee box jump overs AWOD20 GHD hip
CrossFit WOD 05.17.22
STRENGTHsplit jerk 8 x 2 WODAMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6 …slam balls, 30/20hang power clean, 135/95 AWOD2 min lat stretch2 min pigeon stretch
CrossFit WOD 05.16.22
STRENGTHfront squat 3-3-3push press 2-2-2thruster (from rack) 1-1-1 WOD: JACKIE ( see 08.30.21)row 1000m50 thrusters, 45/3530 pull ups AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit
CrossFit WODs May 16-20
Monday, May 16STRENGTHfront squat 3-3-3push press 2-2-2thruster (from rack) 1-1-1WOD: JACKIE ( see 08.30.21)row 1000m50 thrusters, 45/3030 pull ups Tuesday, May 17STRENGTHsplit jerk 8 x
Saturday at The Bar
Time to Order GBAR3 Summer Swag! 4 designs to choose from3 styles: unisex t-shirt, ladies racerback tank, or ladies cropped tankMultiple color options for each
GBAR3 Members – Your Health is Worth the Investment!
We are super excited to share an exclusive opportunity with you guys! GBAR3 members can get a discounted package offer from Driven Nutrition. This company
CrossFit WOD 05.13.22
WODAMRAP in 15 minutes5 bar muscle ups (scale 5 chest to bar pull ups and 5 ring dips)10 deadlifts, 225/15520 DU’s200m run AWODtabata toes to
CrossFit WOD 05.12.22
WOD (see 07.08.21)row 1000m50 box jumps, 24/2050 DB bench press, 45/30row 500m25 box jumps25 DB bench press AWODgroup stretch
CrossFit WOD 05.11.22
STRENGTH10 x 90 second rounds, increase load each roundhang power clean + power clean + squat clean WODAMRAP in 4 minutes3-6-9 …wall ball shots, 20/14med
CrossFit WOD 05.10.22
WOD (see 05.12.21)5 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 3 minutes3 push jerk, 135/956 push ups9 squats AWODmax butterfly sit ups in 1 minute
CrossFit WOD 05.09.22
STRENGTHpower snatch 10 x 1 WOD: JEREMY (see 05.04.21)21-15-9OH squats, 96/65burpees AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WODs May 9-13
Monday, May 9STRENGTHpower snatch 10 x 1WOD: JEREMY (see 05.04.21)21-15-9OH squats, 96/65burpees Tuesday, May 10WOD (see 05.12.21)5 rounds, 1 minute rest between roundsAMRAP in 3
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AM ELEMENTS 9:30 AMFREE FOR MEMBERS, $40 WALK IN WODTeams of 2-3, for time …80m barbell carry, 185/11580 dead lifts, 185/11580 front squats,
CrossFit WOD 05.06.22
4 rounds for time,5 power cleans, 135/9525 wall ball shots, 20/145 power cleans25 KB swings, 55/40 AWOD50 med ball sit ups for time
CrossFit WOD 05.05.22
WOD3 x 6 minute rounds, clock does not stop between roundsrun 800mmax reps box jumps, 30/24 AWODtabata wall sit/handstand hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 05.04.22
WOD (see 05.07.21)21-15-9thrusters, 95/65pull upspush upsrow, cal AWODtabata hollow rocks/plank hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 05.03.22
STRENGTHpush jerk 5 x 3 WODAMRAP in 10 minutes3-6-9 …knees to elbowsDB DL, 45/30DB push press AWODnot for time,2 rounds30 sec sampson stretch, each side30
CrossFit WOD 05.02.22
STRENGTH: CROSSFIT TOTAL (see 09.13.21)back squat 1-1-1shoulder press 1-1-1deadlift 1-1-1Your CrossFit Total score is the sum of all 3 lifts WODmax cal bike in 2
CrossFit WODs May 2-6
Monday, May 2STRENGTH: CROSSFIT TOTAL (see 09.13.21)back squat 1-1-1shoulder press 1-1-1deadlift 1-1-1Your CrossFit Total score is the sum of all 3 lifts Tuesday, May 3STRENGTHpush
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AMNUTRITION CLINIC 10 AM-12 PM WODteams of 2-3, must go in orderrow 500m50 pull ups (scale up to muscle ups OR down to
CrossFit WOD 04.29.22
WODrow 1000m, then3 rounds15 wall ball shots, 20/1415 med ball sit ups15 KB SDHP, 55/4015 slam balls, 30/20 AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 04.28.22
STRENGTHOH squat 5 x 3 WODAMRAP in 7 minutes8/2, 8/4, 8/6, 8/8 …goblet squats, 55/40hang power snatch, 75/55 AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and GHD sit
CrossFit WOD 04.27.22
WOD: THE GHOST (see 04.30.21)6 rounds for max reps1 min. row, cal.1 min. burpees1 min. DU’s1 min. rest AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 04.26.22
WODAMRAP in 20 minutes5 deadlift, 225/15510 pistols5 deadlifts10 handstand push ups200m run AWODfor time,25 toes to bar
CrossFit WOD 04.25.22
STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutes3 bench press4 KB swings, 70/555 box jumps, 30/24 AWODtabata sit ups/push ups mash up
CrossFit WODs April 25-29
Monday, April 25STRENGTH/WODE2MOM for 16 minutes3 bench press4 KB swings, 70/555 box jumps, 30/24 Tuesday, April 26WODAMRAP in 20 minutes5 deadlift, 225/15510 pistols5 deadlifts10 handstand
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WODteams of 2-3*3 squats at each transition/break100 deadlifts, 225/155100 wall ball shots, 20/14100 push ups100 pull ups AWODfor time,100 partner med ball
CrossFit WOD 04.22.22
WOD21-15-9squat cleans, 135/95DB push press, 45/30pull ups AWOD50 butterfly sit ups for time
CrossFit WOD 04.21.22
WOD: MIRACLE MILE (see 04.21.21)run 400m25 KB swings, 55/40200m farmer’s carry, 45/30200m waiter’s carry, 45/3025 box jumps, 24/20100m sprint100m walking lunges100m sprint100m walking lunges5 burpees400m
CrossFit WOD 04.20.22
WODAMRAP in 15 minutes5 DB renegade rows, 45/3010 power snatch, 95/6515 toes to bar AWODtabata side plank
CrossFit WOD 04.19.22
STRENGTHback squat 5 x 3 WOD4 roundsrow 250m10 slam balls, 30/20 AWOD30 Russian twists
CrossFit WOD 04.18.22
STRENGTHpush press 5 x 3 WOD3 rounds20 DU’s15 wall ball shots, 20/1410 1-arm DB hang power clean and jerk, 50/35 AWOD20 GHD hip extensions and
CrossFit WODs April 18-22
Monday, April 18STRENGTHpush press 5 x 3WOD3 rounds20 DU’s15 wall ball shots, 20/1410 1-arm DB hang power clean and jerk, 50/35 Tuesday, April 19STRENGTHback squat
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AM WODteams of 3-4, 1 thru circuit at a time20 rounds for time,3 renegade rows, 45/303 hang power cleans3 ring rows3 slam balls,
CrossFit WOD 04.15.22
WODAMRAP in 16 minutes5 deadlifts, 225/15510 box jumps, 24/2015 KB swings, 55/4020 cal row AWODtabata L-sit/plank hold mash up
CrossFit WOD 04.14.22
WOD21-15-91-arm DB snatch, 45/30knees to elbows1-arm DB snatchsit upsBEFORE each set20 OH walking lunges, 45/25 AWOD30 GHD hip extensions
CrossFit WOD 04.13.22
STRENGTHsquat snatch 10 x 1 WOD (see 04.14.21)row 2000m AWODnot for time,20 atomic sit ups
CrossFit WOD 04.12.22
STRENGTHshoulder press 5 x 3 (all sets above 65%)deadlift 5 x 3 (all sets above 75%) WODAMRAP in 7 minutes3 pull ups6 push ups9 squats
CrossFit WOD 04.11.22
WOD: NANCY (see 04.16.21)5 roundsrun 400m15 OH squats, 95/65 AWODfor time9 v-ups15 n-ups21 sit ups
CrossFit WODs April 11-15
Monday, April 11WOD: NANCY (see 04.16.21)5 roundsrun 400m15 OH squats, 95/65 Tuesday, April 12STRENGTHshoulder press 5 x 3 (all sets above 65%)deadlift 5 x 3
Saturday at The Bar
CROSSFIT 8:30 AM LOW BACK PAIN WORKSHOP 10 AM-12 PM WODteams of 2-3, for time …BUY IN: weighted carry Kluge Lakes Lane, 160/100then, 8 rounds3
CrossFit WOD 04.08.22
WOD (see 04.09.21)3 rounds50 squats12 toes to bar10 hang power cleans, 135/95 AWODtabata weighted plank hold